活動分享網址 https://activity.ncku.edu.tw/index.php?c=apply&no=15334
活動名稱 一對一全英語諮詢&全英文寫作/口說迷你俱樂部

活動開始 2024/09/09 00:00
活動結束 2025/01/10 15:00
承辦人聯絡資訊 楊佳婕
承辦人電話 61120-26
承辦人信箱 11212015@gs.ncku.edu.tw
相關網站 網站連結
報名開始 2024/09/09 00:00
報名結束 2025/01/09 00:00


Fulbright EMI Team Office 將於每天提供校內學生預約諮詢,凡是有關英文聽說讀寫相關問題,皆可預約報名,已上服務皆不需費用。地點為理化大樓 (三樓) Fulbright EMI Office B204。






1. 聽力口說練習 (如何口頭報告,如何準備面試,。。。)

2. 寫作協助(英語文件修改,·短文撰寫,簡報設計,履歷表,讀書計畫,。。。)

3. EMI助教特區(EMI班上遇到的英文問題,如何協助同學用英文表達看法,如何用簡單的英文描述較難的課程內容。。。)








The Fulbright EMI Office provides free on-campus consultations for students, TAs, and faculty by appointment. The office is located in the B204 Physics and Chemistry Laboratory building. 

We have two types of appointments: 

1. One:one consultations (Virtual or in person)

Students with questions related to English listening, speaking, reading, writing, or test prep are welcome to sign up. EMI TAs are especially encouraged to meet about improving classes. 

Example Booking Reasons:

1. Listening and speaking practice (oral reports, interview preparation, etc.)

2. Writing assistance (document revision, writing essays, reports, reading strategies, resumes, etc.)

3. EMI course guidance (anything related to improving the quality of EMI courses)

*Reminder: We will not complete your assignment for you. We are happy to provide tips or practice!*

2. Mini club (Only In person)

The Mini club occurs twice per day, five days per week, led by Kathryn or June. Students who would like to practice English in a small group with other students are welcome to sign up. Topics will change biweekly. 

**We will send you an email to confirm the booking**