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已註冊過的校外人士,請先 登入 並報名活動。

活動分享網址 https://activity.ncku.edu.tw/index.php?c=apply&no=15187
活動名稱 113學年度第一學期EMI教師增能工作坊-Cross-Cultural Issues in the University Classroom: Work with GenZ as a Unique Cultural Group

活動地點 外語中心二樓26204B教室
活動開始 2024/11/05 11:00
活動結束 2024/11/05 13:00
入場時間 2024/11/05 00:00
承辦人聯絡資訊 黃琡娜
承辦人電話 61120*25
承辦人信箱 11208098@gs.ncku.edu.tw
報名開始 2024/09/13 00:00
報名結束 2024/11/04 16:00
主辦單位 教學發展中心
主要語言別 English only
正取 10 / 30
備取 0 / 10
公務人員時數 0

參加限制 [編制內教職員]:全部

EMI Workshop for Teachers- Cross-Cultural Issues in the University Classroom: Work with GenZ as a Unique Cultural Group


Activity Description: Online teaching during the COVID era brought into stark relief gaps between teacher and student that had perhaps previously gone unnoticed, particularly cultural generational gaps that impacted the success of online learning. The differences in how GenZ learners’ use social media and digital spaces in navigating their interpersonal relationships, including those with classmates and instructors demonstrated the
need for a renewed dialogue on how educators reach this evolving audience and thereby improve their learning outcomes. This session seeks to open dialogue on challenges of GenZ culture and to highlight aspects that may be positively leveraged to improve course outcomes. Further, this session will offer a recommended protocol for using social media to better engage learners in both online and in-person teaching environments. ((Appropriate for EMI professors, University Faculty and Staff, ETFs, trainees of English level B1 and above))


Date: Nov. 5(TUE.), 2024

Time: 11:00-12:30 (12:30-13:00 COFFEE CHAT)

Lecturer: Jennifer Weaver

Location: Room 26204B, 2F of Foreign Language Center, Kuang-Fu Campus


(Lunch Provided!)